22 Mar 2013

X++ Code Optimzation

Following are the coding tips to improve your Axapta system's performance:
1. Smart Joins : Try to Use Joins instead of nested while loop
wherever possible.

2. Select Statement : Mention the field names in the select statement instead of feteching entire row ,
this will reduce data amount to transfer from database.
e.g " Select Itemid from inventTable "

3. Display Methods : Make sure that generic display methods should be moved at table level and cached by

4. Local caching : Use Variables for storing the constantly used caculated values in loop , by doing so you can
reduce the calls to the database and different layers.

5. Monitor the Database Calls : For bulk records updation,deletion,insertion use RecordSet Based operator like
update_recordset , delete_from and insert_recordset .

6. Aggregate Function: Use sum, avg, minof, maxof and count where applicable. Because this can utilize the
database’s built-in function instead of calculating and analyse data in Axapta.

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